How Batman Can Help You Belt

A fun vocal exercise for belting success 🦇

When he’s not busy saving Gotham City, Batman can really help you develop your belt! 🦇


How, you wonder? We’re going to sing “Bat – man!” on a 5-1 interval. You pick your Batman of choice in this scenario – I’m team Christian Bale all the way!


The key here is to make it super speechy, like you’re calling out to a friend at a party.


This works for several reasons. 


Let’s talk about the voice science and function piece that my nerdy brain loves so much. The consonant 'b' is a plosive, which means we stop phonation when we make that sound. As we stop, we build up all this pressure (a.k.a. power), which then comes out when the sound is released into our bright vowel sound 'ae' (as in "bat").


This really lets acoustics and vocal tract shaping be our friend!


Belting doesn’t come from a lot of pressure at the vocal folds. It comes from more compression at the vocal folds and the boost of resonance made by shaping of the vocal tract.


Then we move to “man.” 'M' is a yummy, buzzy forward consonant (a nasal - meaning you don’t need to open your mouth to make the sound) moving back to that bright 'ae' vowel sound.


Just a fab combo for belting!


Now, let’s go to the non- sciencey part – it gets us out of our own way! 


First, because we are having fun and focused on the caped crusader instead of being locked into thinking about our “singing.” And second, it’s based in speech and calling out, something we ALL know how to do.


I am such a firm believer that attaching new concepts and sounds to ones we already know how to make is a recipe for major success!


Our Erase Your Break course equips you with these kinds of tools – plus step-by-step guidance through everything you need before, during, and after this work to create your biggest, baddest sound!


If you found this helpful, you should check it out!


Happy singing! Xo, Amber



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